Magazine Articles

Data science, operations research and analytics play a central role in strengthening our supply chains
ORMS Today

Supply Chain Game
ORMS Today

Intel and Georgia Tech team up to develop interactive teaching tool that mimics SCM dynamics, including psychological and behavioral aspects.
ORMS Today

Innovative Education: Recycling ocean plastic into the supply chain
ORMS Today

Student project: University of Michigan’s Tauber Institute grad students team up with Dell Technologies to address global problem
ORMS Today

Has COVID-19 ‘broken’ our food supply chain?
ORMS Today

Pandemic highlights challenges that need help from data science, analytics and operations research skills.
ORMS Today

Strengthening Supply Chains
ORMS Today

Keys to mitigating supply chain disruptions related to coronavirus
Analytics Magazine

Supply Chain Management: New math, big data
Analytics Magazine

Across the supply chain, manufacturers and retailers are exploiting the “vital raw material of the information economy.“
Analytics Magazine

Supply Chain Transparency: A Reachable Goal?
Analytics Magazine

How machine learning can heal a supply chain
Analytics Magazine

How Supply Chain Teams Rate Their Planning Process Effectiveness
Analytics Magazine

Today’s supply chain challenges require new solutions
Analytics Magazine

New technologies are needed to build resilience in the face of disruption such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Analytics Magazine

Economic Recovery Through Supply Chain Reasoning
Analytics Magazine

Supply Chain and Manufacturing: Why optimization models fail
Analytics Magazine

How to avoid chaos in the field by combining simulation and optimization.
Analytics Magazine