Location and Network Design Workshop (LAND)

Event Detail

General Information
Sunday, March 22, 2009 - Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies) Gran Hotel Pucon, Pucon, Chile
General Email:
Event Details/Other Comments:

We invite you to participate in a workshop being held in Pucon, Chile on Location and Network Design.

The fields of Location and Network Design have progressed in parallel, although some researchers have made contributions to both fields, and some problems touch both sides, being the hub problem an example.

From a different perspective, there are conferences, meeting or symposia in both fields, but these are organized separately Tristan and Isolde for instance. And none of these take place in South America.

Presentation are encouraged focusing on theory, modeling or applications of Location and Network Design, including but not limited to Health, Energy, Transportation, Telecommunications, Retail, Natural Resources, Environment, etc. Also, papers dealing with methodology, including exact methods, heuristics and simulation.
General Information email: [email protected]
Registration: http://sistemasdeingenieria.cl/land/registration.html