O.R. and Analytics in the News

Do You Criticize Or Celebrate Your Colleagues? It May Depend On Your Social Position

Do You Criticize Or Celebrate Your Colleagues? It May Depend On Your Social Position

The News Motion, September 29, 2023

Online technology is fundamentally reshaping employee evaluations. In the last decade or so, companies such as IBM, Amazon, and General Electric have adopted performance feedback apps that allow employees to “review” one another in real time. These apps take the 360-degree paradigm to its logical extreme by removing temporal, hierarchical, and geographical barriers to feedback.

Dealing With China Is Unavoidable. Mitigating Its Risks Should Be, Too.

Dealing With China Is Unavoidable. Mitigating Its Risks Should Be, Too.

Barron's, September 29, 2023

The U.S. is striving to reduce its dependence on China by derisking its supply chains. However, this process of derisking can also introduce new risks. It is crucial for U.S. firms to devise strategies to identify, evaluate, mitigate, and respond to the various types of supply chain risks that may arise from this derisking process.

Sheldon H. Jacobson: Bunching COVID-19, the flu and RSV as a ‘tripledemic’ is misleading

Sheldon H. Jacobson: Bunching COVID-19, the flu and RSV as a ‘tripledemic’ is misleading

Chicago Tribune, September 27, 2023

The term “tripledemic” is being used to express the concerns about the collective spread of COVID-19, influenza and the respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, during this fall and winter. Yet each of these infectious diseases has their own risk profile. Placing them under the same epidemic umbrella may inadvertently overstate the impending dangers — perhaps to the point of crying wolf when a calmer descriptor would be more beneficial and appropriate.

Christopher Tang: A collapse of China’s economy would hurt many countries, including the US

Christopher Tang: A collapse of China’s economy would hurt many countries, including the US

Chicago Tribune, September 25, 2023

The Western news media’s focus on China’s recovering economy, following a significant downturn last year due to COVID-19 restrictions, has been unrelenting. There has been extensive speculation about the potential crash of China’s economy, yet few have delved into the critical questions: What is the likelihood of China’s economy collapsing? And if it does, what impact would this have on the global economy?

UAW Strike Will Cost Billions Across the Supply Chain

UAW Strike Will Cost Billions Across the Supply Chain

EPS News, September 25, 2023

The United Auto Workers (UAW), which launched an intermittent strike at Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis manufacturing plants, has expanded the action to 38 locations in 20 states. Automotive manufacturers, which have been struggling with electronics supplies since 2020, could face another disruption to their supply chain as the labor dispute continues.

The UAW Strike Is a Test Case for Biden-omics

The UAW Strike Is a Test Case for Biden-omics

Industry Week, September 25, 2023

As the United Auto Workers strike continues, it will have a cascading effect from the auto makers to their upstream suppliers providing EV batteries and other components.

Bidenomics at risk: How the auto workers strike is jeopardising the US economy

Bidenomics at risk: How the auto workers strike is jeopardising the US economy

Business Leader, September 25, 2023

In the UK, NHS workers ranging from nurses to junior doctors went on strike in 2023 to express their grievances about their pay. These localised and staggered strikes have caused inconvenience, but they did not affect the UK economy significantly. However, the coordinated United Auto Workers (UAW) strike in the US, which began on September 15, is much larger in terms of scale and scope.

CBC Weekend Business Panel September 23, 2023

CBC Weekend Business Panel September 23, 2023

CBC News, September 23, 2023

Latest inflation numbers: Not very good news as inflation seems to be supply-side, so it is much harder to control. Gas prices will also negatively affect the price of food even more for the next quarter at least. This means that interest rates will remain high for a while, possibly even into 2025. Also, deflation is not a bad thing if it is transitory and aimed at first necessity goods, as opposed to affecting consumption in the long run.

Deepfakes targeting your kids

Deepfakes targeting your kids

13 News, September 22, 2023

TUCSON, Ariz. (13 News) -13 News Fact Finders told you about a letter sent to Congress by Attorneys general from all 50 states, including Arizona. Attorney General Kris Mayes and her cohort want lawmakers to reign in a new use of artificial intelligence that targets children.

AI Beats Back Bad Batches

AI Beats Back Bad Batches

Outsourced Pharma, September 21, 2023

I induce the estimable Professor Tinglong Dai of Johns Hopkins University, an acclaimed AI specialist in the field of supply chain, to laugh aloud a few moments into our conversation.

Weighing the AI Threat By Incident Reports

Weighing the AI Threat By Incident Reports

Information Week, September 20, 2023

The AI Incident Database chronicles over 2,000 incidents of AI causing harm. It’s a gulp-worthy number that ominously continues to grow. But the devil is in the details and a mere count does not provide sufficient detail in degrees of harm or malevolent intent. Pretending AI is safe is sheer folly but imagining it the bringer of doom is equally foolish. To get a more realistic read on the damage AI has caused and is likely to cause, here’s a hard look at reported incidents in the real world.