Access Restricted Materials

Case Teaching Notes will be made available through this site as cases and associated articles are published by INFORMS Transactions on Education. Material obtained from this site is intended solely for the express use of classroom instructors who have been given prior approval by INFORMS Transactions on Education and should not be distributed to any unapproved users (especially students); unapproved distribution of the teaching notes associated with a case will ultimately render the case useless for other instructors. Fill in the form below to obtain access to the Case Teaching Notes page. Your request will be reviewed and you will be sent an email with a username and password and a link to the Case Teaching Notes.

Once you have received a username and password, click on the link provided in the email (or click here to log in) and enter the information provided. You will then be able to access the teaching notes using the last navigation button to your left. If you had previously logged into the site with your member ID you will need to log out and log back in using the information provided to you via email.

Questions marked with * are required.