The Why and How of Applied Analytics at Best Buy's Consumer Insights Unit

Scott Friesen, MBA, Sr. Director of Analytics for the Consumer Insights Unit, Best Buy

The most advanced applied mathematics, statistics, and operations research do not implement themselves. In the exploration and development of analytic capabilities, there are typically two moments where the potential impact can falter. The first is in the translation between the analytic capability and the business (private or public sector) and the second is the quality of the capability foundation, or lack thereof. In this discussion, Friesen will give an overview of the analytic principles on which his team operates at Best Buy, as well as discuss the capability improvements underway to further enhance and enable future analytics. Best Buy has an extremely rich data set. However, it operates in a dynamic, multi-channel atmosphere that presents fascinating challenges ranging from IT to analytic application, while simultaneously offering tremendous opportunity for value creation using its data assets.

This presentation was filmed at the 2011 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research

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