WSC 2017 – Titan of Simulation: Robert G. Sargent

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Chapter 1: Introduction by Ernest Page, MITRE
Chapter 2: When in the last 55 years did you get involved with simulation?
Chapter 3: Early scientific views of simulation
Chapter 4: A personal history of involvement in simulation
Chapter 5: The evolution of scientific respect for simulation
Chapter 6: Advances in computer and simulation technology
Chapter 7: Some key individuals in the evolution of simulation technology
Chapter 8: Drivers for the evolution of scientific respect
Chapter 9: Scholarly respect for simulation
Chapter 10: Advances in communication about simulation
Chapter 11: Involvement of professional societies
Chapter 12: The impact of eminent scholars in other fields
Chapter 13: The Computer Simulation Archives
Chapter 14: Contributions of simullation to other fields
Chapter 15: The future
Chapter 16: Q&A: The hybrid model (Barry Nelson)
Chapter 17: Q&A: current prominence of simulation in computer science (Michael Fu)

NOTE: The video chapter transcripts are searchable, with search results displayed as marks on the time bar above the search box. Click a mark to jump to the search word or phrase in the video and transcript, or click on any word in the transcript to jump to that point in the video.

WSC 2017 – Titan of Simulation: Robert G. Sargent, Professor Emeritus, Syracuse University

A Perspective on Fifty-Five Years of the Evolution of the Scientific Respect for Simulation