Search Results

All search results for . 101-110 of 19164 results.

Keeney, Ralph L.

Innovative Education: Probability as a reality show
...Teaching probability and statistics: a world class.By Arnold Barnett...

Military Exercises: Wargamers explore ‘forbidden options’
...By Douglas A. Samuelson and Russell R. Vane III...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe train pulled smoothly and quietly out ...

Koert van Ittersum

Johnson, Ellis L.

81% of Enterprises Rely on Analytics for Insights

2016 INFORMS Optimization Conference

In Memoriam: Robert Eugene Donald Woolsey (1936-2015)
...A pillar of the profession and a relentless advocate for practical applications...

Winter Simulation Conference 2015