Probability and Stochastic Models

Links and References

Karlin S. (2002) Interdisciplinary Meandering in Science. Operations Research, 50(1): 114-121. (link)

McGrayne S. B. (2011) The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, & Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy. Yale University Press: New Haven, CT.

Stidham Jr S. (2002) Applied Probability in Operations Research: A Retrospective. University of North Carolina, Department of Operations Research: Chapel Hill, NC. 


White P. (2002) Applied Probability in Great Britain. Operation Research, 50(1): 227-239.

Associated Historic Individuals

Balintfy, Joseph L.
Barlow, Richard E.
Bass, Frank M.
Beer, Anthony Stafford
Bertsekas, Dimitri
Bhat, U. Narayan
Borsting, Jack R.
Caywood, Thomas E.
Cinlar, Erhan
Derman, Cyrus
Disney, Ralph L.
Drezner, Zvi
Duffin, Richard J.
Edwards, Ward
Elmaghraby, Salah E.
Erlang, Agner Krarup
Fishburn, Peter C.
Fishman, George S.
Flood, Merrill M.
Frank, Howard
Gaver, Donald P.
Gross, Donald
Harrison , J. Michael
Heyman, Daniel P.
Hillier, Frederick S.
Ho, Yu-Chi
Howard, Ronald A.
Iglehart, Donald L.
Kantorovich, Leonid V.
Karlin, Samuel
Karreman, Herman F.
Kleindorfer, Paul R.
Kleinrock, Leonard
Koopman, Bernard
Lasdon, Leon S.
Lehoczky, John P.
Luce, R. Duncan
Matheson, James E.
Montgomery, David B.
Morrison, Donald G.
Nahmias, Steven
O'Neill, Richard P.
Odoni, Amedeo R.
Pollaczek, Felix
Pollock, Stephen M.
Porteus, Evan L.
Proschan, Frank
Puterman, Martin
Raiffa, Howard
Robinson, Randall S.
Robinson, Stephen M.
Rockafellar, R. Tyrrell
Ross, Sheldon M.
Rothblum , Uriel G.
Roy, Bernard
Saaty, Thomas L.
Scarf, Herbert E.
Schrage, Linus
Shapley, Lloyd S.
Shoemaker, Christine A.
Smith, Robert L.
Staelin, Richard
Stidham Jr., Shaler
Takács, Lajos
von Neumann, John
Whitt, Ward
Whittle, Peter
Winkler, Robert L.