Edelman Award

The Franz Edelman Award recognizes and rewards outstanding example of operations research, management science, and advanced analytics.

Everyone loves to win, especially when it’s at something you love. For this top analytics competition, think of a recent project that you have completed; think of the impact; think of the money, time, or lives saved. Shouldn’t you share that with the world? The Edelman Competition showcases the six best advanced analytics and operations research projects of the year— this could be your year to win!

Learn about the application process

Previous Edelman Contenders Share Their Work

Because You’re Proud of What You Do

This is your passion. You’ve worked hard, and you have made an impact. We want to hear your story.

Learn about the application process.
Team Members in inverted triangle
Increase the Visibility of Your Company and Team

Whether you are a consultant or a department within a larger company, becoming an Edelman finalist shows that your work is validated by INFORMS and its network of highly skilled analytics professionals. The current total impact of Edelman finalist teams is over $257 billion USD – that is an impressive group in which to count yourself.

Simple person with line at foot turning into upward rising graph line
Become an Advocate for Your Profession

Analytics and operations research are everywhere– they make the world a better place. You know that. We know that. The world, unfortunately, does not know that. Real-world examples of math in action help with understanding of the impact across every industry. 

simple speech bubble with illuminated lightbulb inside
Help the World Understand What You Do

With the help of your coaches and PR professionals, you will share your story with the world in plain English. Going through the competition gives you the opportunity to hone your elevator pitch about your project to speak with and inspire mainstream media. Cocktail party conversation? Check. No promises about your grandmother.


What is Involved for the Successful Applicant?

By Submission Deadline

  • Submit a PDF document containing 3 items:
    • a cover page with the title, authors' names, affiliations and contact information,
    • a 600 character abstract of the achievement, and
    •  a summary, (maximum of 1,500 words & use 12-point font text and normal margins) that describes what you accomplished, in just enough detail to let us judge the appropriateness of your work for the competition.

If selected as a Semi-Finalist

  • Have their work verified by members of the Award Committee by providing details on their work including a description of the analytic techniques used.
  • Set up meetings with clients and senior executives who can endorse the work.
  • Discuss benefit estimations and calculation methodologies.

If selected as a Finalist

  • Work with assigned coaches
  • Write a 15-25 page paper for  INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, formerly Interfaces, detailing the project
  • Receive feedback from judging panel on initial draft of the paper
  • Present an in-person 40 minute overview at the Analytics Conference with 10 minutes of Q&A from judges
  • Present a 3-4 minute summary at the Edelman Gala

If named as the Edelman Winner

  • At the conference, a presentation reprise (showing of pre-recorded video) along with Q&A must be given the day after the Gala.
  • And a reprise of the presentation at the Annual Meeting in the fall.

Ready to Apply?

Start Your Edelman Application Now

Are You Ready to Apply?

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