Best Paper Award

2023 Winner(s)

Winning material: Scaling Up Electric-Vehicle Battery Swapping Services in Cities: A Joint Location and Repairable-Inventory Model

Purpose of the Award

The TSL Best Paper Award is given once a year to an outstanding paper in the field of transportation science and logistics. The paper must have been published in a refereed journal and must present innovative approaches for solving complex problems in transportation and/or logistics, with an emphasis on operations research and quantitative methods.

Application Process

View information about eligibility, procedures and deadlines
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Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Wei Qi, Tsinghua University
Yuli Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology
Ningwei Zhang, Beijing Institute of Technology
2023 Honorable Mention
Sara Reed Ann Melissa Campbell, University of Iowa
Barrett W. Thomas, University of Iowa
2022 Winner(s)
Ye Chen, Virginia Commonwealth University Nikola Marković, University of Utah Ilya O. Ryzhov, University of Maryland Paul Schonfeld, University of Maryland
2022 Honorable Mention
Nicholas D. Kullman, Universite de Tours
Justin Goodson, University of Iowa
Jorge E. Mendoza, HEC Montreal
2021 Winner(s)
Kai Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Alexandre Jacquillat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2021 Honorable Mention
Marlin Ulmer, Technische Universitat Braunschweig
2020 Winner(s)
Rosario Paradiso, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Calabria
Roberto Roberti, Department of Supply Chain Analytics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Demetrio Laganá, Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering, University of Calabria
Wout Dullaertb, Department of Supply Chain Analytics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
2020 Honorable Mention
Shubhechyya Ghosal, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London
Wolfram Wiesemann, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London
2019 First Place
Long He, National University of Singapore Business School
Ho-Yin Mak, University of California-Berkeley Ying Rong, Lehigh University Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen, University of California, Berkeley
2019 Honorable Mention
Okan Arslan Ola Jabali Gilbert Laporte, École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal
2018 Winner(s)
Natashia Boland, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Mike Hewitt, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago
Luke Marshall, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Martin Savelsbergh, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
2017 Winner(s)
Alexandre Jacquillat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Amedeo R. Odoni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2016 First Place
Thibaut Vidal Teodor Gabriel Crainic Michel Gendreau, École Polytechnique de Montréal
Christian Prins
2014 First Place
Asvin Goel
2013 First Place
Guglielmo Lulli, University of Milano-Bicocca Amedeo R. Odoni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dimitris J. Bertsimas , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management and Operations Research Center
2012 First Place
John J. Bartholdi, Georgia Institute of Technology Donald Eisenstein, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
2012 Honorable Mention
Ulrich Derigs Stefan Friederichs
2010 First Place
Abraham George, Princeton University Hugo Simao, Princeton University John Nienow, Schneider National Jeff Day, Schneider National Ted Gifford, Schneider Warren Powell, Princeton University
2008 First Place
Olaf Jahn, Infopark AG Rolf H. Mohring, Technische Universitat Berlin, Andreas S. Schulz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nicolas E. Stier-Moses, Columbia University Andrea S. Schulz, MIT
2008 Honorable Mention
Gilbert Laporte, École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal Arne Lokketangen Lars M. Hvattum
2007 First Place
Jiamin Zhao, Oracle Corporation Maged Dessouky, University of Southern California Satish Bukkapatnam, Oklahoma State University
2007 Honorable Mention
Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Guillaume Roels, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Caspar G. Chorus, Delft University of Technology Theo A. Arentze, Eindhoven University of Technology Eric J.E. Molin, Delft University of Technology Harry J.P. Timmermans, Eindhoven University of Technology Bert Van Wee, Delft University of Technology
2006 Awardee(s)
Michel Bierlaire, École Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Frank Crittin, IDIAP Research Institute
2005 Awardee(s)
Anton J. Kleywegt Vijay S. Nori Martin W.P. Savelsbergh, Georgia Institute of Technology
2004 Awardee(s)
Gilbert Laporte, École des Hautes Études Commerciales Montréal Francois V. Louveaux, Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix Luc Van Hamme, OM Partners
2003 Awardee(s)
Andrew P. Armacost, U.S. Air Force Academy K.A. Ware, UPS Airlines Cynthia Barnhart, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2002 Awardee(s)
Jose Rafael Correa, MIT Roberto Cominetti, Universidad de Chile