Jong-Shi Pang
Past Awards
John von Neumann Theory Prize:

INFORMS Elected Fellows:
Best Publication Award in Energy:
Winning material:
“Long-Run Equilibrium Modeling of Emissions Allowance Allocation Systems in Electric Power Markets,” Operations Research, May-June 2010, Vol. 58(3):529-548

Frederick W. Lanchester Prize:
Richard Cottle of Stanford, Jong-Shi Pang of Johns Hopkins and Richard Stone of Northwest Airlines were honored as co-recipients of the 1994 Lanchester Prize for their book The Linear Complementarity Problem (Academic Press, 1992).
Co-recipients Cottle, Pang and Stone's citation read in part:
- "The linear complementarity problem has played an important unifying role in operations research since its introduction more than three decades ago. In fact, the notion of complementarity lies at the heart of all constrained optimization problems in finite dimensions. Applications of complementarity problems are prevalent, especially in economics and engineering. Over the years, research on linear complementarity has provided new methodology, enhanced our understanding of extant algorithms, and permitted novel applications of operations research.
- "The authors have been among the leaders in this work. Their book is a unique and comprehensive treatment of all major aspects of the linear complementarity problem. The topics covered are both classical and contemporary, there are abundant original ideas, and the exposition is superb. Since its publication, the book has become a standard reference and has stimulated further research and applications. We fully expect it to remain in the forefront of complementarity research and applications for many years to come."