Lifetime Professional Achievement Award -- Application Process

To recognize major contributions to the field of simulation that are sustained over most of a professional career, with the critical consideration being the total impact of those contributions on computer simulation, the INFORMS Simulation Society (INFORMS-Sim, has established the Lifetime Professional Achievement Award (LPAA). This award can be given at most once annually. An individual's contributions may fall in one or more of the following areas: 

  • contributions to research,
  • contributions to practice,
  • dissemination of knowledge,
  • development of software or hardware,
  • service to the profession, and 
  • advancement of the status or visibility of the field.

Anyone is eligible to win the award, although individuals selected for this award should normally be in or near their retirement. The award may be received posthumously. Nominations may be submitted by anyone (including self-nominations), but they may not be made anonymously. The burden of offering evidence of merit falls on the nominator. Each nomination should include:

  • the nominee's complete resumĂ©;
  • a clear-cut, comprehensive description of the nominee's major contributions to the profession, with complete supporting documentation; and
  • at least three letters of endorsement providing evidence of the significance and magnitude of the nominee's professional achievements.